The Magic of DuPont™ Corian®

Can you think of a solid material that is workable like wood, pliable like plastic, nonporous, repairable, hygienic and environmentally friendly to boot? DuPont™ couldn’t either until its brilliant scientists created Corian®. If you’re a designer, you

DuPont™ Corian® – Launch Event for Kenya

The Global Hardware Ltd. team is proud to host an innovation event not to missed. On the 13th of November, 2014, Nairobi-area architects, designers, hoteliers and developers will converge at the Southern Sun Hotel to get a

Fibre Cement Boards – Your Solution to Construction Costs

What’s the #1 culprit of increased construction costs? TIME. As a contractor, developer or architect – you intimately understand the factor of time. Time and money are directly proportionate. As time ticks by to complete a project